
Artifex London is proud to have worked with, or provided consultancy to, the following firms:



BAE Systems

Brisac Gonzalez

Buckley Gray Yeoman

Burthill (A Stantec Company)


Dallas Pierce Quintero

Denton Corker Marshall

Falconer Chester Hall Architects

Fearon Hay Architects

Ferguson & Shamamian Architects

Fletcher Priest

Forward Architecture

Foster and Partners

Gensler (Abu Dhabi)

Granit Chartered Architects

Harmsen Tilney Shane

Harris McMillan Architecture & Design


John Robertson Architects

John Saladino

KCA International

Knox Bhavan Architects

Lanyon-Hogg Architects

Leach Rhodes Walker

Lees Associates


Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands

MJP Architects

Mossessian & Partners

Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners

Noel Architects

Orms Architecture Design

Patel Taylor

Peter Stutchbury Architecture

Project Orange

Reg Nesbitt

Rick Mather Architects

Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners


RPP Architects

Russell Associates

SA Architects

SHH Architects

SMC Design

Stanton Williams Architects

The Parker Company

Trehearne Architects

YRM Architects


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